Oil on Linen Portrait Commission Information:
Full Horse Portrait
Horse in either standing or moving position
Background of your choice
$3.35 per square Inch
Example:  16" x 20" = 320" X $3.35 = $1072.00
(Available in sizes 11" X 14" and larger)
Some standard size prices (other sizes available):

11" X 14"  $516.00
16" X 20"$1072.00
20" X 24"$1608.00
24" X 30"$2412.00
30" X 40"$4020.00

"Head"  Portrait
$2.35 per square Inch
Example:  16" X 20" = 320" X $2.35 = $752.00
Available in sizes 8" X 10" and larger
Some standard size prices (other sizes available):

  8" X 10"      $188.00
11" X 14"      $362.00
16" X 20"      $752.00
20" X 24"    $1128.00
24" X 30"    $1692.00

Photos:   The artist can come to your farm and do her own photography and videos.  Expenses are charged at cost and are in addition to the portrait cost.  Bonnie can also work from your photos.  Photos must be large enough to show detail.  The more the better!  At least one must show the exact angle of the head to be painted and one the exact angle of the body if the portrait is of the full horse.  Legs, ears, tail etc. do not need to be exact in the photos.  At least one must show the correct color of the horse.  A video of the subject would be very helpful in portraying the personality of the horse. 
Payment schedule:  A deposit of 25% is required with the commission.  The balance is due when you approve the finished painting.
You will be kept updated during the entire process, from first sketches to finished painting.
To have yourself in the portrait with your horse, or an additional horse in the portrait, add $.35 per square inch per addition.
Time schedule:  Time from commission to finished painting will vary with the number of commissions pending and Bonnie's show schedule.  Paintings are done using Winsor Newton Alkyd Oils.  They vary from regular oils only in that they dry much quicker... a painting can usually be shipped two weeks after completion.

A commission placed today would be ready to ship in approximately:

14 weeks
Shipping:   Shipping is charged at cost, usually under $35.00 for all but very large paintings.